Monday, July 2, 2012

Proud of Who I Am

I have been thinking a lot the last few days about who I am, what defines me, what has made me the person I am today and what I really hold dear. I am very proud of the person that I am. I am proud of my morals and my high standards. My ethics and how I live my life.

I am grateful that my parents instilled in me such a strong sense of family and of faith. They taught me how to be strong and proud of who I am and of the values that I consider important. They gave me the self confidence to be comfortable being different from everyone else and to take pride in standing up for my ideals. They taught me to never compromise and to never feel bad for standing firm in what I feel and know and hold true. I am not easily swayed and I never have been. If someone doesn't like me or what I believe in, then I am ok with that...I don't need their approval and I certainly don't need them in my life if they are going to judge me or try to ostracize me for what I believe. Really, go ahead...because when it comes down to it, I really don't care what you think. I know who I am. I know what I believe. I know what I hold dear. Very rarely will you find me compromising those things; it's just not me...who I am and what I believe is a part of me to my very core. I have the morals and values I need instilled deep inside me to take comfort in knowing that no matter what, I have the decency and self control to stay true to who I am and what I believe. I know what I want in life and what I expect of myself and of others. I am proud of who I am and those that really love me, love me for being exactly who I am and they know that my pride, my love and and my strength are what make me who I am.

I am a strong willed and strong minded person. If I don't want to do something, I don't do it. If it is outside my comfort level and it isn't something I want to try or be a part of, I have the clarity of mind and the inner strength to stand up and say no, and rather than feeling ashamed of being different, I feel a sense of pride knowing that regardless of the circumstances, I have held my ground and not compromised who I am or what I believe or want. On that same token, if I do want to do something and I have set my mind to it, there is no stopping me...I have seen my goal and I will achieve it, come hell or high water.

Thanks to my parents, my upbringing, and my faith, I feel that I am a very kind, genuine and hard working person. I am dedicated and live and love wholeheartedly. I learned to put others interests ahead of my own and find myself most happy and fulfilled when I am helping and serving others. I take care of those I love and protect them with a vengeance. I take pride in who I am and what I offer to myself, to my husband, to our families, friends and even strangers I come in contact with. I am not perfect by any means, but I do feel that I am a good person and that I am dedicated, faithful, loyal and true. Not only to those I love and hold dear, but to myself, my ideals, my beliefs and most faith. I am glad that I am so strong willed and that I have such a strong sense of family, country and faith. I will never compromise or change who I am and I am grateful for those in my life who helped influence and shape me into the person I am today.

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