Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dreams Do Come True

This morning Greg called me and I could tell by the tone in his voice that he had news...I knew it was regarding the approval we have been waiting on for me to join him at his duty station. I didn't know if it was good or bad, but deep down I felt like it was good news. I suppressed the feeling though because I didn't want to get my hopes up and be disappointed if it was bad news and we weren't approved. He went on to tell me that he had just gotten a call from his 1st SGT and that it was approved and orders were in the process of being cut!!! I couldn't believe it!! After 4 months of anxious waiting, continuous follow up, constant worry and fervent prayer, we finally received our approval!! No longer do we need to live an ocean apart, no longer do we have to talk, text and email over a million different apps, no longer do we have to say good night and blow each other kisses and laugh and share our lives over a webcam! We get to have our lives back and be a normal husband and wife again! I know, I know, having that in the military is something we have to willingly sacrifice, and we have for the last 10 months! But as a military couple, when we get the chance to be together again we are EXCITED beyond belief and are going to enjoy every minute of it and be thankful for such an incredible blessing! Especially since we know that at many other points in time in his military career we will once again be separated for months and months at a time. Now all we have to wait on our my orders to be cut...once we have those, we can start moving and getting everything finalized.

For the first few hours after he told me, I was definitely excited but I think I was also just relived and also maybe a little bit in shock. As I was driving up to the lake to go to a function, it all the sudden hit me...I am going! I am going? Holy crap...I am going! It was thrilling, terrifying, exciting and heartbreaking all at the same time!

Later on in the afternoon he called again to tell me he had orders in his hands!! Wow! That was fast! We really weren't expecting them to actually cut them in any sort of timely manner (as we know full well at this point "hurry up and wait" is the name of the game). Thankfully that was not the case though and now that I have my orders I can start getting everything else lined up! Hopefully everything else goes as just as quickly and smoothly! I am so very excited and feel so blessed that the Lord opened all the doors and has kept us in His hands throughout this! Thankful for all His blessings and for dreams coming true!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

His Arms Around Me

I would give anything to be able to snuggle up with my husband. I miss his arms around me, his hand in mine, his kisses and the way he looks at me. I fall asleep every night concentrating hard, trying to remember what it feels like to have him lying there beside me with his strong arms wrapped around me, holding me, cradling me next to him, keeping me safe...our breathing matched breath for breath as we hold each other and drift off to sleep. I miss being able to roll over and snuggle into his back and let the world fade away. I miss us falling asleep holding hands or playing footsie. Those little moments are precious and so dearly missed. Odd as it may seem, if I shut everything else out and only let my mind and heart think of him, I can almost feel his strong arms around me and I feel as though I am snuggled safely and lovingly beside him. I can't wait of the day where that is no longer something I have to imagine or dream of, but it is a beautiful truth that I once again get to experience. One day soon; and until then, I will keep him in my heart and keep dreaming and remembering the amazing feeling of being in my husband's, happy, loved and peaceful.